The Central Bank of Morocco (Bank Al-Maghrib) is responsible for maintaining financial stability and ensuring the safety and soundness of the banking system in the country. As part of its role, the central bank sets regulations and guidelines for operational risk management in Moroccan banks. The Central Bank of Morocco has implemented a number of measures to manage operational risk in the banking sector. These include: Establishing regulations and guidelines for banks to establish their own operational risk management systems and processes. Conducting regular inspections and supervisory actions to ensure that banks are in compliance with these regulations and guidelines. Encouraging banks to implement international standards such as ISO 31000 for risk management and ISO 22301 for business continuity management. Encouraging banks to establish crisis management teams and emergency plans to respond to potential operational risks. In addition, the central bank also monitors and assesses the overall level of operational risk in the banking sector and takes action as necessary to mitigate potential threats to financial stability. Overall, the Central Bank of Morocco plays a key role in ensuring that Moroccan banks have robust operational risk management systems in place, which helps to protect the interests of depositors, shareholders, and the financial system as a whole.

by Youness El Kandoussi | 2 years ago | 0 Comment(s) | 550 Share(s) | Tags :

Operational Risk Governance:Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk BIS June 2011 The Board of Directors Principle 3: The board of directors should establish, approve and periodically review the Framework. The board of directors should oversee senior management to ensure that the policies, processes and systems are implemented effectively at all decision levels. Principle 4: The board of directors should approve and review a risk appetite and tolerance statement for operational risk that articulates the nature, types, and levels of operational risk that the bank is willing to assume. Senior Management Principle 5: Senior management should develop for approval by the board of directors a clear, effective and robust governance structure with well defined, transparent and consistent lines of responsibility. Senior management is responsible for consistently implementing and maintaining throughout the organisation policies, processes and systems for managing operational risk in all of the bank’s material products, services and activities, consistent with the risk appetite and tolerance. Risk Management Environment Identification and Assessment Principle 6: Senior management should ensure the identification and assessment of the operational risk inherent in all material products, activities, processes and systems to ensure the inherent risks and incentives are well understood. Principle 7: Senior management should ensure that there is an approval process for all new products, activities, processes and systems that fully assesses operational risk. Monitoring and Reporting Principle 8: Senior management should implement a process to regularly monitor operational risk profiles and material exposures to losses. Appropriate reporting mechanisms should be in place at the board, senior management, and business line levels that support proactive management of operational risk. Control and Mitigation Principle 9: Banks should have a strong control environment that utilises: policies, processes and systems; appropriate internal controls; and appropriate risk mitigation and/or transfer strategies. Business Resiliency and Continuity Principle 10: Banks should have business resiliency and continuity plans in place to ensure an ability to operate on an ongoing basis and limit losses in the event of severe business disruption. Role of Disclosure Principle 11: A bank’s public disclosures should allow market participants to assess its approach to operational risk management.

by Youness El Kandoussi | 1 year ago | 0 Comment(s) | 395 Share(s) | Tags :

Le risque op rationnel est un risque non financier qui peut avoir un impact n gatif sur la performance d'une organisation. Il peut être caus par une vari t de facteurs, tels que les erreurs humaines, les d faillances des systèmes, les catastrophes naturelles ou les actes de malveillance. Le secteur financier marocain est soumis à un cadre r glementaire strict en matière de gestion des risques, notamment le risque op rationnel. Ce cadre est bas sur les normes internationales d finies par le Comit de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire (BCBS). Statistiques Selon une tude de Bank Al-Maghrib, le risque op rationnel repr sente environ 30 % du capital requis par les banques marocaines. Les principaux risques op rationnels auxquels sont expos es les banques marocaines sont les suivants : Les erreurs humaines (25 %) Les d faillances des systèmes (20 %) Les risques li s aux systèmes d'information (15 %) Les risques li s aux clients (10 %) Les risques li s aux produits (10 %) Évolutions Le management du risque op rationnel a connu un d veloppement significatif dans le secteur financier marocain au cours des dernières ann es. Cette volution est due à plusieurs facteurs, notamment : La mise en œuvre des normes internationales du BCBS La pression des investisseurs et des r gulateurs La prise de conscience croissante des risques op rationnels Perspectives Le management du risque op rationnel continuera à se d velopper dans le secteur financier marocain dans les ann es à venir. Cette volution sera port e par plusieurs facteurs, notamment : La digitalisation des activit s bancaires La complexification des produits et services financiers L' mergence de nouveaux risques op rationnels Recommandations Pour renforcer le management du risque op rationnel dans le secteur financier marocain, il est recommand de mettre en œuvre les mesures suivantes : D velopper une culture de la gestion des risques au sein des institutions financières Investir dans les technologies de l'information et de la communication Renforcer la coop ration entre les institutions financières et les r gulateurs Sources et liens Bank Al-Maghrib, "Rapport sur le risque op rationnel dans le secteur bancaire marocain" (2022) Comit de Bâle sur le contrôle bancaire, "Basel III: International framework for liquidity risk measurement, standards and monitoring" (2013) International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), "International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)" International Organization for Standardization (ISO), "ISO 31000:2018 Risk management - Guidelines" Conclusion Le management du risque op rationnel est une composante essentielle de la gestion d'une institution financière. Le secteur financier marocain a fait des progrès significatifs dans ce domaine, mais il reste encore des efforts à faire pour renforcer la culture de la gestion des risques et pour s'adapter aux nouveaux risques op rationnels.

by Youness El Kandoussi | 1 year ago | 0 Comment(s) | 359 Share(s) | Tags :